
Our Treatment Philosophy

Drug and alcohol addiction is devastating, both for the person suffering from this disease and their loved ones. With the majority of our staff in recovery, we understand this well. We’re here for you to make full recovery—what can at first seem overwhelming and even impossible—a reality. To accomplish this, Orchard on the Brazos provides excellent clinical care in treating substance abuse and co-occurring disorders.

Our treatment is:

  • Comprehensive, covering all stages of the treatment journey and encompassing a full spectrum of services
  • Flexible to accommodate different needs and life circumstances
  • Individualized for each resident, because no two people are alike
  • Holistic, focused on the whole person and all aspects of health
  • Diverse, incorporating a variety of therapeutic approaches to help residents gain a deeper understanding of themselves, address past trauma, build new coping strategies, and reconnect with their purpose
  • Rooted in respect for each person and recognition of their inherent worth

You can rest assured that you—or your loved one—will be in extremely knowledgeable, compassionate, and capable hands at the Orchard.

Our Services

What We Treat

Our clinical staff treats both the disease of addiction and co-occurring disorders. Co-occurring disorders (also known as a dual diagnosis) describe someone who experiences a mental illness and substance abuse simultaneously. Often, the presence of mental illness exacerbates drug and alcohol use while these substances worsen the symptoms of mental illness, thus creating a vicious cycle.